期刊全称 | 总引用次数 | 度影响因子 | 详细信息 |
politics & society | 2194 | 3.089 | |
Sociological Methodology | |||
Journal of European Social Policy | 2454 | 3.063 | |
Industrial and Corporate Change | 5114 | 3.085 | |
theory culture & society | 5644 | 3.532 | |
Business Strategy and the Environment | 10505 | 10.302 | |
Review Of International Political Economy | 3647 | 4.659 | |
Kyklos | 1915 | 1.894 | |
Development and Change | 4539 | 2.92 | |
Antipode | 6606 | 5.041 | |
Journal of Environmental Management | 62838 | 6.789 | |
sociological review | 5243 | 4.258 | |
human organization | 1635 | 0.833 | |
Evaluation | 1434 | 2.778 | |
Futures | 5060 | 3.073 | |
International Journal of Green Energy | 2456 | 2.459 | |
critical social policy | 1750 | 3.569 | |
Journal of Business Law | |||
Current Sociology | 2563 | 2.388 | |
Geoforum | 11684 | 3.901 | |
Journal of Consumer Policy | 1314 | 0.0 | |
Parliamentary Affairs | 1284 | 1.833 | |
Science Technology and Society | 326 | 1.173 | |
Society and Business Review | 209 | 0.0 | |
Journal Of Cultural Economy | 789 | 1.959 |
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