期刊全称 | 总引用次数 | 度影响因子 | 详细信息 |
emotion review | 3305 | 6.469 | |
current psychology | 3343 | 4.297 | |
death studies | 3577 | 2.245 | |
Canadian Psychology | 2336 | 1.939 | |
European Psychologist | 2372 | 5.569 | |
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology | 3785 | 2.343 | |
Journal Of Gambling Studies | 4101 | 3.655 | |
Psicothema | 4347 | 3.89 | |
Aggressive Behavior | 4618 | 2.917 | |
professional psychology-research and practice | 4800 | 1.716 | |
journal of psychology | 4802 | 2.92 | |
journal of homosexuality | 4832 | 2.952 | |
Creativity Research Journal | 3938 | 2.371 | |
psychological science in the public interest | 2337 | 37.857 | |
International Journal of Psychology | 3966 | 2.0 | |
journal of positive psychology | 4922 | 4.197 | |
Intelligence | 4934 | 2.77 | |
Psychology Of Women Quarterly | 5609 | 4.062 | |
British Journal Of Psychology | 5731 | 4.267 | |
current opinion in psychology | 5732 | 5.717 | |
review of general psychology | 6122 | 3.443 | |
Body Image | 6377 | 6.406 | |
psychology of addictive behaviors | 6634 | 3.288 | |
Psychological Inquiry | 6676 | 4.278 | |
Suicide And Life-Threatening Behavior | 6057 | 4.45 |
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