期刊全称 | 总引用次数 | 度影响因子 | 详细信息 |
Journal of Classification | 1995 | 1.673 | |
british journal of mathematical & statistical psychology | 2807 | 3.38 | |
Journal Of Mathematical Psychology | 3559 | 2.223 | |
Educational And Psychological Measurement | 11408 | 2.821 | |
psychometrika | 14950 | 2.5 | |
nonlinear dynamics psychology and life sciences | 509 | 1.087 | |
Applied Measurement In Education | 970 | 1.58 | |
Methodology | 1179 | 1.865 | |
journal of educational measurement | 2316 | 1.531 | |
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics | 2851 | 3.288 | |
applied psychological measurement | 5947 | 2.101 | |
psychonomic bulletin & review | 14718 | 5.536 | |
behavior research methods | 26016 | 6.242 |
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