期刊全称 | 总引用次数 | 度影响因子 | 详细信息 |
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences | 4589 | 5.188 | |
biologia plantarum | 4623 | 1.747 | |
Photosynthetica | 4886 | 3.189 | |
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation | 5371 | 4.169 | |
Pakistan Journal of Botany | 5831 | 0.972 | |
botanical journal of the linnean society | 6124 | 2.911 | |
Phytotaxa | 6478 | 1.173 | |
Plant Biology | 6512 | 3.081 | |
functional plant biology | 7145 | 3.101 | |
south african journal of botany | 7267 | 2.315 | |
plant growth regulation | 7618 | 3.412 | |
journal of plant nutrition | 7703 | 1.707 | |
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum | 8465 | 2.354 | |
photosynthesis research | 8943 | 3.573 | |
Molecular Plant Pathology | 9093 | 5.663 | |
Nature Plants | 9424 | 15.793 | |
Annual Review of Phytopathology | 10431 | 13.078 | |
plant cell reports | 10913 | 4.57 | |
journal of plant physiology | 16412 | 3.549 | |
Current Opinion In Plant Biology | 17488 | 7.834 | |
bmc plant biology | 18560 | 4.215 | |
physiologia plantarum | 18830 | 4.5 | |
american journal of botany | 19324 | 3.844 | |
plant physiology and biochemistry | 19501 | 4.27 | |
Phytopathology | 19896 | 4.025 |
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