期刊全称 | 总引用次数 | 度影响因子 | 详细信息 |
journal of public policy | 1533 | 2.513 | |
Local Government Studies | 1521 | 2.726 | |
Non-Profit Management and Leadership | 1748 | 3.044 | |
Policy Studies | 1021 | 2.043 | |
Policy Studies Journal | 3908 | 5.141 | |
Public Administration And Development | 1177 | 1.543 | |
Public Administration Quarterly | |||
Public Money & Management | 2026 | 2.099 | |
Public Performance & Management Review | 1527 | 2.745 | |
public policy and administration | 926 | 3.386 | |
Social Policy & Administration | 2253 | 2.738 | |
Voluntas | 3377 | 2.468 | |
International Journal of Public Sector Management | 1318 | 0.0 | |
policy sciences | 3059 | 3.846 | |
review of policy research | 1290 | 2.0 | |
Review of Public Personnel Administration | 1609 | 5.298 |
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