期刊全称 | 总引用次数 | 度影响因子 | 详细信息 |
Experimental Thermal And Fluid Science | 14820 | 3.232 | |
international journal of plasticity | 15431 | 7.081 | |
International Journal of Thermal Sciences | 16386 | 3.744 | |
international journal of fatigue | 20746 | 5.186 | |
tribology international | 22649 | 4.872 | |
International Journal Of Mechanical Sciences | 21889 | 5.329 | |
Nonlinear Dynamics | 27458 | 5.022 | |
Wear | 34828 | 3.892 | |
Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing | 30686 | 6.823 | |
journal of sound and vibration | 41178 | 3.655 | |
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer | 83111 | 5.584 |
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