期刊全称 | 总引用次数 | 度影响因子 | 详细信息 |
Psychotherapy | 4434 | 6.596 | |
Journal Of Psychopathology And Behavioral Assessment | 4525 | 2.645 | |
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology | 4617 | 1.946 | |
british journal of clinical psychology | 4782 | 4.125 | |
clinical psychology-science and practice | 4793 | 6.724 | |
Cognitive Therapy And Research | 6381 | 2.503 | |
journal of behavioral medicine | 6781 | 2.96 | |
Assessment | 7251 | 4.667 | |
journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology | 7495 | 4.964 | |
Journal Of Substance Abuse Treatment | 7528 | 3.77 | |
Journal of Health Psychology | 7791 | 3.231 | |
journal of applied behavior analysis | 8759 | 3.695 | |
journal of personality assessment | 11645 | 3.777 | |
Journal Of Clinical Psychology | 11822 | 2.885 | |
Journal Of Abnormal Child Psychology | 12116 | 3.837 | |
psychological assessment | 16737 | 5.123 | |
addictive behaviors | 17650 | 3.913 | |
Behaviour Research And Therapy | 22841 | 4.473 | |
Clinical Psychology Review | 23058 | 12.792 | |
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology | 28311 | 5.348 |
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