期刊全称 | 总引用次数 | 度影响因子 | 详细信息 |
Chinese Medical Journal | 11843 | 2.628 | |
jama network open | 12655 | 8.485 | |
journal of internal medicine | 13801 | 8.989 | |
medical journal of australia | 14127 | 7.738 | |
nature reviews disease primers | 14221 | 52.329 | |
Journal Of Pain And Symptom Management | 15063 | 3.612 | |
canadian medical association journal | 19683 | 8.262 | |
Mayo Clinic Proceedings | 20512 | 7.619 | |
Bmc Medicine | 20515 | 8.775 | |
Preventive Medicine | 20707 | 4.018 | |
Jama Internal Medicine | 25005 | 21.873 | |
journal of general internal medicine | 26729 | 5.128 | |
American Journal Of Preventive Medicine | 28401 | 5.043 | |
american journal of medicine | 29192 | 4.965 | |
plos medicine | 42447 | 11.069 | |
medicine | 50120 | 1.889 | |
BMJ Open | 55070 | 2.692 | |
Annals Of Internal Medicine | 72594 | 25.391 | |
cochrane database of systematic reviews | 81217 | 9.289 | |
bmj-british medical journal | 158758 | 39.89 | |
jama-journal of the american medical association | 224165 | 56.274 | |
lancet | 369614 | 79.323 | |
New England Journal of Medicine | 464376 | 91.253 |
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