期刊全称 | 总引用次数 | 度影响因子 | 详细信息 |
Annals of Dyslexia | 1134 | 1.515 | |
learning disability quarterly | 1238 | 1.865 | |
international journal of disability development and education | 1247 | 1.543 | |
journal of behavioral education | 1249 | 2.396 | |
learning disabilities research & practice | 1307 | 2.861 | |
topics in early childhood special education | 1395 | 2.111 | |
Education and Treatment of Children | 1497 | 1.491 | |
European Journal Of Special Needs Education | 1668 | 2.082 | |
Journal Of Deaf Studies And Deaf Education | 1948 | 1.763 | |
journal of special education | 2018 | 3.122 | |
Remedial And Special Education | 3170 | 5.258 | |
exceptional children | 4166 | 5.042 | |
Journal Of Learning Disabilities | 4457 | 2.859 | |
international journal of sports marketing & sponsorship | 947 | 2.938 | |
journal of sport & social issues | 1664 | 2.76 | |
sociology of sport journal | 1866 | 2.134 | |
European Sport Management Quarterly | 2001 | 4.0 | |
International Review for the Sociology of Sport | 2675 | 3.78 | |
international journal of performance analysis in sport | 2026 | 1.95 | |
curriculum matters | |||
aera open |
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